Thoughts on the reading

In what ways to some games reinscribe (ie make it seem natural by so much repetition) rather arbitrary gender roles?

  • give male characters the ability to do things the woman character cant do like smoke or been the leader of  the game, the male characters are normally depicted as with lot of masculinity and less emotion.

Why do games geared to adolescent boys have such strong gender stereotypes?

  • so there is a good way to market the product as a stereotypical male game

What biological phase are these boys going through?

  • trying to find there own identity

What is the danger if they do NOT adopt gender stereotypes but pursue alternate gender definitions for either women or men?

  • nothing really the human society and the human been is a complex system that there don’t need to have definition on all things.

Pick a game that begins to questions gender roles for women and for men (these can be two different games) and describe how they challenge stereotypes.

  • Sims- you can create a male that looks famine or put make up on. same way you can create a female character that could be the breadwinner.
  • Eidos Interactive, Tomb Raider- she has a role of a leader, adventures and a person who would kick ass any one who mess with her.

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