Responses Edge of Art, Autobotography

1-What are some of the reasons for a surge in digital autobiograpical production from “home pages” to “wearcams”?

  • The technologies, global village, people have the ability to transfer their “life story” in to a much richer video environment from the “my diary”.

2-What is the role of autobotography vis-a-vis technology’s “narcotic effect”?

  • I think people have been addicted to the technology so much that their lives are online for Evey one to see and that is what i think is the effect.

3-Jennicam gives us an example of the pleasures of self-disclosure, Mann’s WearCams give an example of the dangers of surveillance. Are there dangers in Jennifer Ringley’s work (or similar projects)? And what might those dangers be? Conversely, are there any pleasures in Stephen Mann’s WearCams?

  • Yes there is always dangers in life. disclosing the life cycle of one person gives others opportunity to  get information and pleasures with out her knowing.
  • yes pleasure of security

4-Explain how 2 of the blogging projects reshapes our sense of self, life, or writing.

  • Blogging A Birth: It is about what people like, some use tumbler to see a story in pictures, some video and some words. we have our own world of nitpicking that we like to do. what we eat what we read. this is a form of expression that the user like.
  • Ralph Moore, Sentence: whats written about our self the truth or the perception of our own self. what kind of eye did we use to make a discretion about our self. what are we and who decides what we are.

5-Pick one of the “moving self-portraits” and explain how the project evokes the mystery of our contemporary lives. What kinds of issues does the portrait raise?

  • Nobody Here: what we do is questioned in this work. We are stuck inside to a screen looking and typing our life and not living.

6-Katherine Hayles speaks of the “post-human” in describing the cyborgian entities we have become. How do the artists of this chapter create autobotographies of this “post-human” cyborg? Consider, for example Life Sharing and [phage].

  • what is considered to be cyborg ?, It is norm that we have a facbook page, it is norm that we own a computer. what will we be in ten years can we be just hooked in to a computer, will our lives be a virtual reality. every day our digital foot print is made bigger not just by us but by others. our life is recoded what we buy, what we see, what we do. Google knows how to change their ads to suit your taste. they have created a digital life of me.

7-How do digital artists examine the commodification of the self? How has the self become another consumer good, or how does a human being get reduced to a “consumer”? Which digital projects raise theese questions and how do they do it?

  • I saw a advertisement for CK where the people are naked. we are not buy him or her or we are not trying to be him or her or are we. The product is not just about the product any more there are billions spend on advertisements to change peoples mid to make them buy or feel like they lack some thing. can we live with out a 42 screen led tv ?

8-Describe the autobotography of “invented selves” or avatars. How do Female Extension and Darko Maver raise questions about the nature of digital selves. Why do they use invented selves and what are the reasons for doing so and the effects of their choices?

  • we can be who i want to be, i get the power of been who i really want. i can be a women i can be a airmen. some of the effects are loosing of self identity, living in an illusion. the question should be asked when you talk about invented selves why invent them, will it help. i see it as an extension of ones self, if one person is not happy about the gender they can try out a different gender by creating a identity digitally that could help.

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