What is New Media? Vin Crosbie
1-What are the three transportation media? What is the difference between a transport medium and a transport vehicle?
- The three transportation media are land, water, and air. The difference between a transportation vehicle and a transportation media is that vehicles use the media to carry the information.
2-What are the three communication media? Give examples of communication media vs communication vehicles. Email uses which communication medium?
- The three communication media are the Interpersonal Medium, the Mass Medium, and and ‘New Medium.’ Some examples of communication vehicles and media are a TV or radio used to convey mass media, or an e-mail being used to convey Interpersonal Medium.
3-What are the advantages/disadvantages of interpersonal communication? of broadcast communication?
- The advantages of interpersonal communication- Each participant has equal and reciprocal control of the content conveyed, and the content can be individualized to each participant’s need and interest. The disadvantage is- As the number of participants increases, the control becomes harder to manage.
- The advantages of broadcast communication- All recipients receive the same content, and the sender has the absolute control over the content. The disadvantage are- The content cannot be individualized according to each recipient’s need and interest, and the recipients have no control over it.
4-What are the characteristics of the New Medium? Is a many-to-many communication possible without the new technology of laptop, iphone and internet?
- The individualized information can be simultaneously delivered to various recipients, and both sides have equal control over the content.
- yes it is possible with out the new technology like messengers.