Response to Eli Pariser’s “The World Needs You to See It with Fresh Eyes”

It is a good concept to think about. one of the things that i dont understand is the university system. I am a student but i have no choice in choosing the things i what to learn. The system is set up so the university is teaching me what is expected the right thing and when i what to learn some thing new i am discouraged some times.
The truth is i am paying to learn something that i what to use in life for my enjoyment and employment.
I know it is a complex system and there are walls that govern, to keep a structure but why do we need that structure why do we need the system.
At the end you and i choose what to use from what we leaned from this education system. with that certificate from a educational institution we go on learning new things that tick our heart. but why not start now and change the out come to things we love creating and not just some thing we create for a class.

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