Response to A Defining Moment, David Korten

1- What is the structure of Empire? How does this structure relate to Crosbie’s definitions of Broadcast vs New Media?’

  • The Empire is constructed in a way so that the people on top of the power structure has absolutely control over how the Empire is being operated. It is similar to Crosbie’s definition of Broadcast, that the information sender has the absolute control over the content sent to the recipients, as oppose to an equal ground of interactions among senders and recipients. However there have been paces in the word at a time where the empire was built to protect the people.

2-What is the relationship between rampant consumerism and cultural/ecological collapse?

Rampant consumerism comes from the need of people. as our number rise so dose our needs for more consumer goods. when the that raw materials that we use in our day today life docent go back by recycling the ecological collapse occurs. thus the species dies. when we look at it is the perfect cycle of the world.

Response to Sarah van Gelder’s “How Occupy Wall Street Changes Everything”

1-What is changed by the Occupy movement?

2-How is the ccupy movement practicing the use of horizontal power? How does this frustrate the status quo power structures? Is the “People’s Mic” broadcast or network (ie new) media?

  • A movement is created when there is unbalance in the social system. The occupy movement is a examples of a revolution. for that to happen people have accepted the indifference and looks for a better future. There is hope created among the people, the pain of the people is shown. The high ranking people are questioned. the system that makes then the high ranks are questioned.
  • people’s Mic is an broadcast media it is a shout out to every one about the feelings of people.




Response to Eli Pariser’s “The World Needs You to See It with Fresh Eyes”

It is a good concept to think about. one of the things that i dont understand is the university system. I am a student but i have no choice in choosing the things i what to learn. The system is set up so the university is teaching me what is expected the right thing and when i what to learn some thing new i am discouraged some times.
The truth is i am paying to learn something that i what to use in life for my enjoyment and employment.
I know it is a complex system and there are walls that govern, to keep a structure but why do we need that structure why do we need the system.
At the end you and i choose what to use from what we leaned from this education system. with that certificate from a educational institution we go on learning new things that tick our heart. but why not start now and change the out come to things we love creating and not just some thing we create for a class.

Response to Vin Crosbie’s “What is New Media?”

What is New Media? Vin Crosbie

1-What are the three transportation media? What is the difference between a transport medium and a transport vehicle?

  • The three transportation media are land, water, and air. The difference between a transportation vehicle and a transportation media is that vehicles use the media to carry the information.

2-What are the three communication media? Give examples of communication media vs communication vehicles. Email uses which communication medium?

  • The three communication media are the Interpersonal Medium, the Mass Medium, and and ‘New Medium.’ Some examples of communication vehicles and media are a TV or radio used to convey mass media, or an e-mail being used to convey Interpersonal Medium.

3-What are the advantages/disadvantages of interpersonal communication? of broadcast communication?

  • The advantages of interpersonal communication- Each participant has equal and reciprocal control of the content conveyed, and the content can be individualized to each participant’s need and interest. The disadvantage is- As the number of participants increases, the control becomes harder to manage.
  • The advantages of broadcast communication- All recipients receive the same content, and the sender has the absolute control over the content. The disadvantage are- The content cannot be individualized according to each recipient’s need and interest, and the recipients have no control over it.

4-What are the characteristics of the New Medium? Is a many-to-many communication possible without the new technology of laptop, iphone and internet?

  • The individualized information can be simultaneously delivered to various recipients, and both sides have equal control over the content.
  • yes it is possible with out the new technology like messengers.